Inez Yaowei's
Dj got us falling in love again..
* Scroll down for couple memo *

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy10th annivasary....

And happy 10th annivasary baby. Approx 1 hr and a half 2 our 10th month. Happy?!
Tagging heart with you right nao. Better send me a longlonglong fcuking long 10th month msg alright! If never you're get it ~ Waiting 2 more month's 2 our 1 year. Bring me out 2 play ok!
Muack's, i love you, now and forever, and everyday!~

Pei me watch gokusen..........................!

Both of thm damn kwute right dearie, me and you love thm so muchhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)